Friday, November 23, 2012
All Natural Toenail Fungus Remedies That Can Really Cure Nail Fungus...
Nothing is more embarrassing than suffering from toenail fungus. Fungus can make it hard to walk in sandals, use a public pool, or eve relax in your own house with your shoes off. Fortunately, there are several different home remedies that you can try.
• One of the most common toenail fungus treatments is tea tree oil.
By applying this oil to the affected area several times a day, the fungus can be cleared up in a few weeks. Unfortunately, this treatment can be rather labor intensive. After finding tea tree oil (look online or in a health food store), apply the oil with a toothbrush. Then keep the affected area still fro about ten to fifteen minutes to allow the oil to work. Repeat this procedure at least three times a day. After the fungus is visibly gone (usually this occurs after about a month), continue using the oil for the next month to make sure it doesn’t come back.
• Another common toenail fungus treatment is to soak your toes in a powerful antiseptic such as Listerine or vinegar.
While effective, this treatment can also be very time consuming and it can get expensive. To use it, pour about one cup of mouthwash or vinegar into a plastic tub along with one gallon of warm water. Soak the affected area for about twenty minutes. Repeat this twice a day for about a week.
Of course, using that much mouthwash or vinegar can get expensive, so many people make a smaller batch of the solution and paint it directly onto the affected area. This will work, but it is important to hold still for at least forty minutes to allow the solution to dry onto the foot. By doing this twice a day for several months, the infection should clear up. Nonetheless, continue treatment for another week after the fungus is visibly gone to make sure no fungus reappears.
While both of these methods work, many people complain that they are too time consuming or that they require ingredients that can be expensive to purchase or are hard to find. Some better, cheaper, and less time consuming toenail fungus treatments do exist.
One I'm really fond of is called Zeta Clear.
Click this link to read my full review of the toenail fungus treatment Zeta Clear...
You'd be surprised how fast this stuff works.
It works by attacking your toenail fungus infection from the root, as well as from the surface simultaneously.
Here's the long URL for my review of Zeta Clear:
Whatever you do, start treating it now!
The longer you wait, the more time it has to fortify!
Give 'em hell!
A Treatment for Toenail Fungus the Doctors Don't Want You to Know About…
Home Toenail Fungus Treatments Doctors Won't Tell You About
This is the worse thing you can do.
It's crucial you begin treatment immediately.
This treatment called Zetaclear I'm really fond of.
You can read my full review there.
Here's the long URL if the above link doesn't work for you:
Also, if you want to do a bit more research about toenail fungus:
Go here now to learn of all the available treatment options for your toenail fungus.
According to recent statistics, an estimated 25 percent of American
adults will suffer from toenail fungus by the time they're 40 years of
age. After age 40, these rates jump to a staggering 50 percent. With
numbers like these, you can be assured that you're not alone in your
battle against the dreaded fungus. However, knowing the statistics won't
make it go away. That takes time, effort, perseverance and the right
information. Here are some of the ways you can treat your toenail fungus
treatment at home that your doctor won't tell you about.
Acetic acid, the active chemical in vinegar, easily kills the fungus that can make your toenails misshapen, yellow and ugly. You can soak your feet for ten to 15 minutes daily in a dilute solution of vinegar, but many people find that soaking their toes in straight vinegar produces the fastest and most desirable results.
Avoid Sugar
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans consume about 156 pounds of refined sugar annually. When consumed, sugar rapidly enters the bloodstream where it circulates throughout the body. This can not only result in hypoglycemia, reduced immunity and diabetes but also in rampant systemic fungal infections. Refined sugars are the perfect food for fungus and when they have an ample supply of it, they tend to grow out of control. Usually, candida overgrowth is the fungus most associated with this, but toenail fungus is another common side effect of eating too much sugar. If you want to rid yourself of toenail fungus, it's recommended that you either reduce or entirely avoid refined sugar in your diet.
Oil Treatment
Many oils, such as olive, coconut, almond, walnut and red palm oils, are great for your general health. However, you might not be aware that they're also superb for nail health. Besides keeping your cuticles and surrounding tissues supple and attractive, they're also a great toenail fungus treatment. They work primarily by clogging up the microscopic pores in your nails, smothering the fungus. When the fungus can't get enough air, it dies, leaving behind clear, beautiful and vibrant nails.
Despite what your doctor would have you think, you don't have to suffer with nail fungus or waste money on expensive prescription toenail fungus treatments that don't work. However, while these home remedies are indeed effective, they can take a considerable amount of time to begin showing results. The vinegar treatment alone can take up to six months to work!
Acetic acid, the active chemical in vinegar, easily kills the fungus that can make your toenails misshapen, yellow and ugly. You can soak your feet for ten to 15 minutes daily in a dilute solution of vinegar, but many people find that soaking their toes in straight vinegar produces the fastest and most desirable results.
Avoid Sugar
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans consume about 156 pounds of refined sugar annually. When consumed, sugar rapidly enters the bloodstream where it circulates throughout the body. This can not only result in hypoglycemia, reduced immunity and diabetes but also in rampant systemic fungal infections. Refined sugars are the perfect food for fungus and when they have an ample supply of it, they tend to grow out of control. Usually, candida overgrowth is the fungus most associated with this, but toenail fungus is another common side effect of eating too much sugar. If you want to rid yourself of toenail fungus, it's recommended that you either reduce or entirely avoid refined sugar in your diet.
Oil Treatment
Many oils, such as olive, coconut, almond, walnut and red palm oils, are great for your general health. However, you might not be aware that they're also superb for nail health. Besides keeping your cuticles and surrounding tissues supple and attractive, they're also a great toenail fungus treatment. They work primarily by clogging up the microscopic pores in your nails, smothering the fungus. When the fungus can't get enough air, it dies, leaving behind clear, beautiful and vibrant nails.
Despite what your doctor would have you think, you don't have to suffer with nail fungus or waste money on expensive prescription toenail fungus treatments that don't work. However, while these home remedies are indeed effective, they can take a considerable amount of time to begin showing results. The vinegar treatment alone can take up to six months to work!
The key to a successful toenail fungus treatment is to start as soon as you see symptoms....
A lot of people make the flaw of waiting to long to begin treating their nail fungus thinking that it's something "that'll just go away"...This is the worse thing you can do.
It's crucial you begin treatment immediately.
This treatment called Zetaclear I'm really fond of.
You can read my full review there.
Here's the long URL if the above link doesn't work for you:
Also, if you want to do a bit more research about toenail fungus:
Go here now to learn of all the available treatment options for your toenail fungus.
Every day that you let your fungus infection go by untreated is another day it has to fortify itself in even more!
Start treating it now!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Toenail Fungus Treatment - Over the Counter Products That Treat Toenail Fungus Fast...
For as long as society has been expecting people to wear socks and shoes
on a regular basis, people have been dealing with issues involving
toenail fungus growth. Human feet simply weren't designed to be hidden
away in a darkness, potentially moist environment that almost beckons
fungal growth to take hold at some point in a person's life.
Naturally, toenail fungus treatment is something that most people are initially embarrassed about, and while people with severe cases should certainly consider consulting a professional foot doctor about their issue, people with minor cases of toe fungus might opt for at-home remedies instead. It's important to keep in mind that most at-home remedies are going to require substantially more time before your feet are completely free of fungus, but this might still be preferable to other options, since you're truly putting your treatment on your own terms.
The most common at-home toe fungus treatments usually involve giving each foot a thorough wipe down, or possibly even a brief bath, using a diluted, germ-killing compound that will slowly kill off the fungal infection.
Most people will use hydrogen peroxide mixed with water in a 1-to-3 ratio. However, using things like sterilizing mouthwash instead isn't unheard of.
The treatments will need to be repeated three to four times per week for several weeks, although the length of time that a treatment is required will likely depend on the severity of the infection. Still, there are people that have had very positive results by performing their own toe fungus treatment at home, and they saved themselves a fortune by not needing to enlist the aid of a physician.
Of course, it's also important to address the root cause of toe fungus, or you'll simply risk reinfecting yourself in time. Make sure to never re-wear the same pair of socks for multiple days in a row, and always make sure that the inside of the shoes that you wear most often are clean and dry at all times, and your odds of incurring future fungal infections will go down dramatically.
While there are plenty of people that have had positive results using hygiene supplies that they already had around the house, it could be the case that you're looking for something a bit more potent.
Some of the cures listed their can clear nail fungus in under 30 days or less!
Check it the fast toenail fungus treatment guide if you still need to do more research...
Or pick up your bottles of Zeta Clear through this link today.
Whatever it is you do, make sure you begin treating your fungus infection ASAP. Every day that goes by is another day the fungus has to fortify itself even more!
Start now before it's too late.
Naturally, toenail fungus treatment is something that most people are initially embarrassed about, and while people with severe cases should certainly consider consulting a professional foot doctor about their issue, people with minor cases of toe fungus might opt for at-home remedies instead. It's important to keep in mind that most at-home remedies are going to require substantially more time before your feet are completely free of fungus, but this might still be preferable to other options, since you're truly putting your treatment on your own terms.
The most common at-home toe fungus treatments usually involve giving each foot a thorough wipe down, or possibly even a brief bath, using a diluted, germ-killing compound that will slowly kill off the fungal infection.
Most people will use hydrogen peroxide mixed with water in a 1-to-3 ratio. However, using things like sterilizing mouthwash instead isn't unheard of.
The treatments will need to be repeated three to four times per week for several weeks, although the length of time that a treatment is required will likely depend on the severity of the infection. Still, there are people that have had very positive results by performing their own toe fungus treatment at home, and they saved themselves a fortune by not needing to enlist the aid of a physician.
Of course, it's also important to address the root cause of toe fungus, or you'll simply risk reinfecting yourself in time. Make sure to never re-wear the same pair of socks for multiple days in a row, and always make sure that the inside of the shoes that you wear most often are clean and dry at all times, and your odds of incurring future fungal infections will go down dramatically.
While there are plenty of people that have had positive results using hygiene supplies that they already had around the house, it could be the case that you're looking for something a bit more potent.
If you're looking for fast working toenail fungus treatments, check out this product called Zeta Clear:
Some of the cures listed their can clear nail fungus in under 30 days or less!
Check it the fast toenail fungus treatment guide if you still need to do more research...
Or pick up your bottles of Zeta Clear through this link today.
Whatever it is you do, make sure you begin treating your fungus infection ASAP. Every day that goes by is another day the fungus has to fortify itself even more!
Start now before it's too late.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
How to Treat Black Toenail Fungus Without Seeing a Doctor...
Vinegar is a common toenail fungus treatment that can be applied at home. The nail that is infected needs to be soaked in distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegar for at least five minutes. This should be done twice each day in the morning and at night. Vinegar will eventually destroy the fungus but can take a month or longer to fully work. Additionally, the vinegar that is used must be strong enough to perform the task and should contain at least 5 percent acetic acid.
Alcohol Or Hydrogen Peroxide
Both alcohol and hydrogen peroxide can be used as antifungal treatments for black toenail fungus. The nail needs to be washed and then soaked in the liquid for at least 20 minutes. During this period the nail needs to be pressed downward so that the alcohol or peroxide is able to reach the nail root where the fungus thrives. This toenail fungus treatment takes several weeks to work and is incredibly harsh on the skin because of the caustic nature of the liquids.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are a type toenail fungus treatment that will help minor infections. The three essential oils that are used the most are tea tree, oregano and lavender. They can be used separately or mixed together with a neutral carrier like olive oil. The oils have antiseptic and antifungal properties that will slowly kill the fungus. The essential oils need to be applied to the nail for at least 45 minutes between two and three times a day. The treatment can take several weeks to work. Oregano oil cannot be used for more than three weeks at a time because it can have harmful side effects. The quality of the essential oils as well as the state of the skin and the toenail can all reduce the effectiveness of this treatment to a point where it has no benefit at all.
Aloe Vera
Gels or lotions that contain aloe vera can be used as a toenail fungus treatment. Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties that will fight an infection. It needs to be applied at night and kept on the nail until the morning. The quality of the lotion as well as the content of aloe can change the effectiveness of this treatment. Aloe is a good choice because it also has anti-inflammatory properties that will promote faster healing. Unfortunately, the treatment can take months to work.
All of these treatments have the potential to effectively treat black toenail fungus when done for a long enough period of time with quality ingredients.
However... there is a faster toenail fungus treatment available.
Check out my review of a product called Zeta Clear here.
Whatever treatment method you decide to use, the key is to start ASAP.
Go here now to learn how to clear your toenail fungus with this powerful fast working treatment:
Some can clear infections within 30 days or less. Start now!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Zeta Clear Review: The Best Toenail Fungus Treatment Available?
Hey - it's Dan.
Toenail Fungus is something I've dealt with quite a few times in my life because I am an avid martial arts practitioner - Martial arts dojos can be breeding grounds for toenail fungus because of all the sweat and constant contact with people's feet.
You name it, I've tried it: Vinegar & Listerine footbaths, bleach, tea trea oil.. etc.
Sure, that stuff can work (although it takes quite a while) ... but for me, since I was constantly in contact with new strands of toenail fungus, it just didn't have the power I needed to keep the toenail fungus at bay...
After some research online I found a product called ZetaClear, and while I was kind of skeptical considering the price, eventually I sucked it up and bought 2 bottles of it just to give it a shot.
I was definitely surprised at how fast this stuff worked: within a matter of days I started noticing improvements.
Here's how the treatment progressed over about 2-3 months of treatment (you'll notice that the infected nail fell off, with a clean nail growing in underneath it!):
Why did Zeta Clear work so well compared to all the other stuff?
I believe it comes down to the two different treatments within Zeta Clear.
If you want to try Zeta Clear, you can get it cheapest directly through their website here.
Remember guys: the key to successful toenail fungus treatment is to start treating it as soon as you see symptoms!
The Zeta Clear company also has very fast shipping - so if you purchase it through their website here, usually you'll get your package within about 2 days.
Good luck, and happy hunting!
Toenail Fungus is something I've dealt with quite a few times in my life because I am an avid martial arts practitioner - Martial arts dojos can be breeding grounds for toenail fungus because of all the sweat and constant contact with people's feet.
So when it comes to getting rid of toenail fungus, you can bet I've tried just about toenail fungus treatment around...
You name it, I've tried it: Vinegar & Listerine footbaths, bleach, tea trea oil.. etc.
Sure, that stuff can work (although it takes quite a while) ... but for me, since I was constantly in contact with new strands of toenail fungus, it just didn't have the power I needed to keep the toenail fungus at bay...
In come Zeta Clear…and it worked amazingly!
After some research online I found a product called ZetaClear, and while I was kind of skeptical considering the price, eventually I sucked it up and bought 2 bottles of it just to give it a shot.
I was definitely surprised at how fast this stuff worked: within a matter of days I started noticing improvements.
Here's how the treatment progressed over about 2-3 months of treatment (you'll notice that the infected nail fell off, with a clean nail growing in underneath it!):
Why did Zeta Clear work so well compared to all the other stuff?
I believe it comes down to the two different treatments within Zeta Clear.
- The topical treatment - What makes Zeta Clear better than the house hold remedies is that it goes straight to the root of a toenail infection. While it does eat up all the surface level infection, it goes deep into the root of your nail to do the real dirty work. See, the thing is, if you don’t kill the root, it will just keep coming back – which is why vinegar and Listerine were not enough.
- The oral treatment - the other half of the treatment is what makes Zeta Clear stand above all comparable products. Each day along with the topical treatment, you also take a small pill orally that is comprised of all-natural (100% safe) ingredients that attack the nail fungus infection from the inside out. While the topical treatment attacks from the surface, the oral treatment attacks the nail fungus at the root. This significantly speeds up the treatment time!
If you want to try Zeta Clear, you can get it cheapest directly through their website here.
Remember guys: the key to successful toenail fungus treatment is to start treating it as soon as you see symptoms!
The Zeta Clear company also has very fast shipping - so if you purchase it through their website here, usually you'll get your package within about 2 days.
Good luck, and happy hunting!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
How to Cure Toenail Fungus in Less Than 60 Days
What You Need To Know To Cure Toenail Fungus Fast
The solution discussed in the above is in my opinion the best option for getting rid of toenail fungus for good.
Here's my full Zetaclear review (if you're lazy):
Nail fungus can be unsightly and embarrassing. When you suffer from
toenail fungus, instead of being able to enjoy your summer, you spend it
trying to hide your feet from sight. If you suffer from unwanted
toenail infections, you might be thinking about trying some
old-fashioned home remedies. Here is what you need to know before you
give a home toenail fungus treatment a try.
Soaking The Affected Nail In Vinegar
One common home remedy for toenail fungus is soaking the affected nail in vinegar. This needs to be done daily and results can take up to six months. Apple cider vinegar seems to be the most commonly recommended type of vinegar. Although this method does work for some people, it takes a long time and some people really cannot stand the smell.
Rubbing The Nail With Vicks Vaporub
Another home treatment option is to rub the affected nail several times a day with Vicks VapoRub. This is a slightly better treatment option for busy individuals because you will not need to sit around soaking your foot. However, like the vinegar treatment, you will have to wait months until your toenail starts to look healthy. Because you need to apply the medication several times a day for months, this treatment can also be expensive.
Treating Toenail Fungus With Hydrogen Peroxide
Another soak treatment option for toe fungus is a hydrogen peroxide solution. You mix hydrogen peroxide and water and soak your foot in the solution twice a day. If you do decide to give this toenail fungus treatment a try, make sure that you do not use a hydrogen peroxide solution that is strong enough to cause chemical burns.
An Alternative To Slow Home Treatments
Although some individuals have reported that these home treatments have worked for them, these methods do not work overnight. In fact, if you rely on these old-fashioned home treatments to cure your toe fungus, you will have to live with unsightly toenails for months before you will see any improvement whatsoever. Additionally, if your toenail fungus has reached an advanced stage of infection, these home remedies might not work at all.
If you want a toenail fungus treatment that can clear up your nail problem quickly, you should check out my review of a toenail fungus treatment called Zeta Clear here.
Soaking The Affected Nail In Vinegar
One common home remedy for toenail fungus is soaking the affected nail in vinegar. This needs to be done daily and results can take up to six months. Apple cider vinegar seems to be the most commonly recommended type of vinegar. Although this method does work for some people, it takes a long time and some people really cannot stand the smell.
Rubbing The Nail With Vicks Vaporub
Another home treatment option is to rub the affected nail several times a day with Vicks VapoRub. This is a slightly better treatment option for busy individuals because you will not need to sit around soaking your foot. However, like the vinegar treatment, you will have to wait months until your toenail starts to look healthy. Because you need to apply the medication several times a day for months, this treatment can also be expensive.
Treating Toenail Fungus With Hydrogen Peroxide
Another soak treatment option for toe fungus is a hydrogen peroxide solution. You mix hydrogen peroxide and water and soak your foot in the solution twice a day. If you do decide to give this toenail fungus treatment a try, make sure that you do not use a hydrogen peroxide solution that is strong enough to cause chemical burns.
An Alternative To Slow Home Treatments
Although some individuals have reported that these home treatments have worked for them, these methods do not work overnight. In fact, if you rely on these old-fashioned home treatments to cure your toe fungus, you will have to live with unsightly toenails for months before you will see any improvement whatsoever. Additionally, if your toenail fungus has reached an advanced stage of infection, these home remedies might not work at all.
If you want a toenail fungus treatment that can clear up your nail problem quickly, you should check out my review of a toenail fungus treatment called Zeta Clear here.
The solution discussed in the above is in my opinion the best option for getting rid of toenail fungus for good.
Here's my full Zetaclear review (if you're lazy):
Friday, August 10, 2012
Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus Known to Work Quickly
If you find yourself with a problem of toenail fungus, you will want to
take steps in the future to prevent the occurrence of this problem. For
the present, you will need to find a toenail fungus treatment that can
kill the fungus and allow your toes and toenails to recover.
There are several medications on the market that will help clear up the problem.
Some will work better than others, but before you start
spending your money trying to find what works best, you may find a
toenail fungus treatment with items that you have in your kitchen and
bathroom. There are people who have reported good results with a couple
of toenail fungus treatment methods with items from the home, and they
may work for you too.
The idea behind a toenail fungus treatment is to kill the fungus. To a lessor extent, a treatment can be used to prevent the further spread of the fungus. This should only be done in conjunction with a treatment to kill the fungus.
One way to kill the fungus is with alcohol.
Unfortunately, something such as rubbing alcohol is too strong, but many people have found using a mouthwash with alcohol to work well. In order for this method to work, you need to be able to soak the infected toenail in the mouth wash. It takes time for the liquid to penetrate deep into the toe underneath the nail. You should soak your toes at least 15 to 20 minutes for this treatment to work. This needs to be done daily. After a week you should begin to see results.
Another common treatment is with common apple cider.
You may have a bottle in your kitchen pantry. The acidic content of this vinegar is strong and when applied with the soaking method above will help to prevent the spread of the fungus. However, this treatment alone may not be effective in killing the fungus.
Perhaps the most popular home remedy of all is using tea tree oil.
Granted, most people will not have this in their home, but it is readily available in local retail stores and is inexpensive. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic. Most people find that it will kill the fungus with several treatments. You need only apply the oil once a day. This treatment has the benefit of not needing to soak your toes. The oil can be applied and then wrapped with gauze.
Whether you attempt to use any of these home remedies or a commercially available product, you need to make sure that you take action. The beginning stages of a toenail fungus usually is not painful and may not look bad, but if left alone, this type of fungus can become a serious problem.
...they can sometimes take up to 6 months before you see clear nails.
If you need a fast acting treatment, check out my review of a new product called Zeta Clear here.
It works incredibly fast because it attacks your nail fungus infection from both angles: From the surface with its' topical treatment, then at the root with the oral treatment.
Here's the link to my full Zetaclear review here:
Remember: every day that you let your toenail fungus go by untreated is another day your fungus infection has to fortify itself in even stronger! Treat it now!
There are several medications on the market that will help clear up the problem.
The idea behind a toenail fungus treatment is to kill the fungus. To a lessor extent, a treatment can be used to prevent the further spread of the fungus. This should only be done in conjunction with a treatment to kill the fungus.
One way to kill the fungus is with alcohol.
Unfortunately, something such as rubbing alcohol is too strong, but many people have found using a mouthwash with alcohol to work well. In order for this method to work, you need to be able to soak the infected toenail in the mouth wash. It takes time for the liquid to penetrate deep into the toe underneath the nail. You should soak your toes at least 15 to 20 minutes for this treatment to work. This needs to be done daily. After a week you should begin to see results.
Another common treatment is with common apple cider.
You may have a bottle in your kitchen pantry. The acidic content of this vinegar is strong and when applied with the soaking method above will help to prevent the spread of the fungus. However, this treatment alone may not be effective in killing the fungus.
Perhaps the most popular home remedy of all is using tea tree oil.
Granted, most people will not have this in their home, but it is readily available in local retail stores and is inexpensive. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic. Most people find that it will kill the fungus with several treatments. You need only apply the oil once a day. This treatment has the benefit of not needing to soak your toes. The oil can be applied and then wrapped with gauze.
Whether you attempt to use any of these home remedies or a commercially available product, you need to make sure that you take action. The beginning stages of a toenail fungus usually is not painful and may not look bad, but if left alone, this type of fungus can become a serious problem.
If you need a faster cure for toenail fungus...
Don't get me wrong, the all-natural treatments I listed above work! However......they can sometimes take up to 6 months before you see clear nails.
If you need a fast acting treatment, check out my review of a new product called Zeta Clear here.
It works incredibly fast because it attacks your nail fungus infection from both angles: From the surface with its' topical treatment, then at the root with the oral treatment.
Here's the link to my full Zetaclear review here:
Remember: every day that you let your toenail fungus go by untreated is another day your fungus infection has to fortify itself in even stronger! Treat it now!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus *The Complete Guide*
Which homemade toenail fungus treatment is right for you?
Toenail fungus is an insidious growth that can affect anyone, and
many people don't realize they have it. Perhaps you already know you
have the symptoms of a toenail fungus: Yellowing of the nails,
discoloration of the nail bed, streaking, brittleness. There is more
than one homemade toenail fungus treatment out there to fix this
condition, and we're going to take a look at the advantages and
disadvantages of each one:
Bare feet and sunlight
Fungi, including toenail fungus, love to grow in moist dark places, which is the environment that shoes create for your feet. However, ultraviolet rays from the sun and fresh air will stop or kill fungus. To use this toenail fungus treatment, you just need to go barefoot or with sandals, and go outside. This treatment is free, but the disadvantage is that it can take a long time to work, you can't wear sandals everywhere, and the weather is unpredictable.
Vinegar foot bath
Vinegar foot baths are reportedly successful. This treatment requires a 45-minute foot soaking each day for 3 to 6 months, and can take up to a year to cure more severe infections. The advantage is that vinegar is widely available, but the disadvantage of this toenail fungus treatment is that it takes about an hour away from each day, and the cost of vinegar can add up quickly.
Peroxide and water bath
Similar to the vinegar foot bath, except a blend of hydrogen peroxide and water are used. Success has also been reported with this treatment, however it takes as long as the vinegar foot bath.
Bleach and water
Similar to the other soaks, but involves a couple of teaspoons of bleach mixed with water. This has been reported as effective, but special care must be taken not to burn the skin because concentrated bleach is a strong chemical.
As you can see, all of these treatments are relatively inexpensive and the ingredients are accessible.
The drawback is that every single one of them takes a long time to work, and will be hard if you live a busy life like most people.
This product called ZetaClear is one I'm particularly fond of. You can read my review of it through that link.
One thing I really like about it is that the treatment attacks the nail fungus from the surface level, and also at the root which really speeds up the time it takes for your nails to clear.
Read my full review of Zeta Clear here:
The key to clearing any nail fungus infection is to begin treatment immediately!
If you are still in research mode and need more options, check out this toenail fungus treatment resource.
And remember, every day that goes by gives your infection more time to fortify itself in... making it even harder to remove.
Start now by reading my review of Zeta Clear here, then start treating it!
Bare feet and sunlight
Fungi, including toenail fungus, love to grow in moist dark places, which is the environment that shoes create for your feet. However, ultraviolet rays from the sun and fresh air will stop or kill fungus. To use this toenail fungus treatment, you just need to go barefoot or with sandals, and go outside. This treatment is free, but the disadvantage is that it can take a long time to work, you can't wear sandals everywhere, and the weather is unpredictable.
Vinegar foot bath
Vinegar foot baths are reportedly successful. This treatment requires a 45-minute foot soaking each day for 3 to 6 months, and can take up to a year to cure more severe infections. The advantage is that vinegar is widely available, but the disadvantage of this toenail fungus treatment is that it takes about an hour away from each day, and the cost of vinegar can add up quickly.
Peroxide and water bath
Similar to the vinegar foot bath, except a blend of hydrogen peroxide and water are used. Success has also been reported with this treatment, however it takes as long as the vinegar foot bath.
Bleach and water
Similar to the other soaks, but involves a couple of teaspoons of bleach mixed with water. This has been reported as effective, but special care must be taken not to burn the skin because concentrated bleach is a strong chemical.
As you can see, all of these treatments are relatively inexpensive and the ingredients are accessible.
The drawback is that every single one of them takes a long time to work, and will be hard if you live a busy life like most people.
How to Treat Your Toenail Fungus Infection In Under 30 Days...
Fortunately if you have a toe fungus infection, there are plenty of treatments available that can clear most of the infection within 30 days.This product called ZetaClear is one I'm particularly fond of. You can read my review of it through that link.
One thing I really like about it is that the treatment attacks the nail fungus from the surface level, and also at the root which really speeds up the time it takes for your nails to clear.
Read my full review of Zeta Clear here:
The key to clearing any nail fungus infection is to begin treatment immediately!
If you are still in research mode and need more options, check out this toenail fungus treatment resource.
And remember, every day that goes by gives your infection more time to fortify itself in... making it even harder to remove.
Start now by reading my review of Zeta Clear here, then start treating it!
A Cure for Toenail Fungus You Need to Try Now…
Treating while the condition is mild is the best way to avoid severe discoloration.
The Vinegar Toenail Fungus Treatment
Vinegar is a natural disinfectant. It makes an excellent cure for toenail fungus because it kills bacteria. Use vinegar to soak the toes. It does not need to be diluted; it is safe to use directly on the skin.
The best type to use is apple cider vinegar, though white vinegar also works well. The vinegar needs to be in contact with the nail for a long time for the treatment to be effective. Several 30-minute foot-baths with a 50/50 water-vinegar solution works well, but might not be possible for someone with a busy schedule.
Soak a cotton ball in undiluted vinegar, and attach it to the top of the nail with a bandaid. Wear socks and shoes or slippers, and change the cotton balls throughout the day as needed. The nails with have constant contact with the vinegar, however, even this treatment can take months to yield results.
Other Fungus Killers
Bleach is another treatment that is commonly used for toenail fungus. However, it is harmful to the lungs when inhaled, and can burn the skin. So, while it makes a competent addition to a foot-bath, it should be used carefully.
Some people swear by Vick's VapoRub as a toenail fungus treatment. Normally spread on the chest to soothe airways, it is not intended for fungus, and it does not work very well. In mild cases, and for yeast or bacterial infections of the nail plate, it can lead to results, but it is generally not very helpful.
Preventing Fungus
While exhibiting symptoms, avoid going to nail salons. Many have unsanitary practices, and if you have gone to one before, chances are it was the source of your problem. Keep affected nails away from excess moisture, and making sure the area stays clean and dry. For those who sweat excessively during the day, it might be best to change socks frequently.
Do Homemade Remedies Work?
Maybe. But for the condition to improve, it may takes weeks of foot-baths and soaking to see any kind of improvement. Fortunately, there are other options. If you are looking for something easier, not to mention much faster, check out my review of a new product called Zeta Clear here:
Whatever it is you do, start treatment ASAP. The sooner you start attacking the fungus infection, the better.
For a fast acting cure, read more about Zeta Clear through this link here.
You'd be surprised how fast this stuff can work....
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
How to Treat Toenail Fungus In 60 Days or Less…
Toenail fungus is embarrassing and uncomfortable. Unfortunately,
toenail fungus can also be difficult to treat. Conventional treatments
are expensive and may lead to adverse side effects. Often, people turn
to home remedies to treat the symptoms of toenail fungus. With effort,
home remedies will eliminate the symptoms of toenail fungus. Some
treatments will revere the physical effects of a fungal infection within
60 days.
However, these treatments must be used consistently or the fungus may reappear when the treatment is discontinued. Toenails may take as long as six months to grow out. Continuing treatment until the toe has completely grown out is the best way to prevent reinfection. Here are three popular home remedies to treat toenail fungus.
1. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the common substances used to treat toenail fungus at home. Tea tree oil is a well known toenail fungus treatment and is easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Tea tree oil should only be applied topically. It can be toxic if ingested. To treat an infected toe with tea tree oil, it is helpful to first file thickened nails down so only a thin layer of nail covers the toe. Fungal infections originate at the cuticle and under the nail, so it is important that any treatment penetrate these areas. Coat a clean cotton ball or swab with the tea tree oil. Apply the oil over the nail, making sure the oil reaches underneath the nail. Continue the treatment twice a day until the fungus is eliminated.
2. Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano is another natural toenail fungus treatment. Oil of oregano is reputed to be more effective than tea tree oil, but it is more difficult to find and more expensive than tea tree oil. Unlike tea tree oil, oil of oregano can be ingested in small amounts. Apply to toes in the same method as with the tea tree oil. Additionally, oil of oregano may be taken orally. For fungal infections, 1-3 drops should be taken three times a day. Be aware that the use of oil of oregano often produces a strong pizza-like odor that may be unpleasant to some.
3. Vapor rub
Another readily available toenail fungus treatment is mentholated vapor rub. Apply the vapor rub on the nail and also around the toes. This treatment is most effective when used in conjunction with tea tree oil. The treatments can be alternated or vapor rub can be applied after the tea tree oil.
There are quite a few fast working nail fungus treatments you can try... here's a review of one I'm really fond of:
The reason I like Zeta Clear so much is because it attacks nail and toenail fungus from both sides.
My full review of Zeta Clear can be found here at this link
The key to a successful treatment is to start as soon as you see symptoms....
A lot of people make the flaw of waiting to long to begin treating their nail fungus thinking that it's something "that'll just go away"...
This is the worse thing you can do.
Whatever you do, it's absolutely, 100% crucial that you start treatment immediately. If you are reading this and the above is you... start right away.
Go here to learn more about Zeta Clear.
However, these treatments must be used consistently or the fungus may reappear when the treatment is discontinued. Toenails may take as long as six months to grow out. Continuing treatment until the toe has completely grown out is the best way to prevent reinfection. Here are three popular home remedies to treat toenail fungus.
1. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the common substances used to treat toenail fungus at home. Tea tree oil is a well known toenail fungus treatment and is easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Tea tree oil should only be applied topically. It can be toxic if ingested. To treat an infected toe with tea tree oil, it is helpful to first file thickened nails down so only a thin layer of nail covers the toe. Fungal infections originate at the cuticle and under the nail, so it is important that any treatment penetrate these areas. Coat a clean cotton ball or swab with the tea tree oil. Apply the oil over the nail, making sure the oil reaches underneath the nail. Continue the treatment twice a day until the fungus is eliminated.
2. Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano is another natural toenail fungus treatment. Oil of oregano is reputed to be more effective than tea tree oil, but it is more difficult to find and more expensive than tea tree oil. Unlike tea tree oil, oil of oregano can be ingested in small amounts. Apply to toes in the same method as with the tea tree oil. Additionally, oil of oregano may be taken orally. For fungal infections, 1-3 drops should be taken three times a day. Be aware that the use of oil of oregano often produces a strong pizza-like odor that may be unpleasant to some.
3. Vapor rub
Another readily available toenail fungus treatment is mentholated vapor rub. Apply the vapor rub on the nail and also around the toes. This treatment is most effective when used in conjunction with tea tree oil. The treatments can be alternated or vapor rub can be applied after the tea tree oil.
Looking for a fast working toenail fungus treatment?
Don't get me wrong, the above cures that I just listed work. The only negative is they can take quite awhile to work. Some have reported using the above treatments for over 6 months before it cleared.There are quite a few fast working nail fungus treatments you can try... here's a review of one I'm really fond of:
The reason I like Zeta Clear so much is because it attacks nail and toenail fungus from both sides.
My full review of Zeta Clear can be found here at this link
The key to a successful treatment is to start as soon as you see symptoms....
A lot of people make the flaw of waiting to long to begin treating their nail fungus thinking that it's something "that'll just go away"...
This is the worse thing you can do.
Whatever you do, it's absolutely, 100% crucial that you start treatment immediately. If you are reading this and the above is you... start right away.
Go here to learn more about Zeta Clear.
If you are still looking for more info on toenail fungus treatment, click the link you just read.
Home Remedies Known to Cure Toenail Fungus
You've got all the right soaps. The clippers and nail file are always lined up in the bathroom. You might even pamper yourself with pedicures. And then it strikes without warning. Toenail fungus.
Toenail fungus doesn't discriminate. It can leave you feeling self-conscious and embarrassed about the state of your feet.
Worse, a fungal infection poses a danger to your health as it spreads from toe to toe. You need to do what you can to battle this nasty fungus.
When you are in the midst of living with toenail fungus, it can seem like you will never be able to bare your toes again. Before you throw those sandals away, try some of these tried and tested home remedies that can offer you a cure from toenail fungus on a do-it-yourself basis.
Virgin Coconut Oil
People usually think of coconut oil as a culinary item. But this oil can be a beneficial ingredient for battling toenail fungus. Rubbing and massaging the oil into the area that is affected by fungal bacteria can help cut down on the infection. Coconut oil won't make the cure happen overnight. In fact, it can take steady applications for weeks or months at a time. You may need to go through a few bottles of oil before results can be seen.
Vinegar and Water
Soaking your feet in antibacterial mouthwash is surprising, yet effective, toenail fungus treatment. The advice is to do thirty-minute soaks for up to a month. Make sure to keep towels handy after soaking periods, some people have actually reported their feet being stained the blue or green color of the mouthwash.
Looking for a fast working toenail fungus treatment?
While the remedies above work, the only draw back is they can take quite awhile to work. A lot of people have reported using the above treatments for over 6 months before it cleared.If you're looking for faster working treatment, check out my review of a product called Zeta Clear here:
I was surprised how much faster this worked over the natural toenail fungus treatment plans I listed above
Here's the link to my Zeta Clear review if you're lazy.
Always remember:
The key to a successful treatment is to start as soon as you see symptoms....
A lot of people make the flaw of waiting to long to begin treating their nail fungus thinking that it's something "that'll just go away"...
This is the worse thing you can do.
It's crucial you begin treatment immediately.
Go here to get Zeta Clear for your toenail fungus.
Also, here's a link to another toenail fungus treatment resource worth checking out if you are still in research mode.
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